Losari Beach_Makassar

   Losari Beach is a beach located in the western city of Makassar. The beach is a place for residents of Makassar to spend time in the morning, afternoon and evening enjoying the sunset scenery is very beautiful. Previously, the beach is known for its seafood center and grilled fish at night (because of the sellers and traders operate only at night), and touted as the world's longest stall (because food stalls lined along the beach tent whose length is less over one kilometer). One of the typical snacks that dijajak Makassar in tent stalls that are bananas Epe (raw bananas are baked, then made flat, and brown sugar mixed with water. At least good to eat while still warm). Currently tent stalls offering seafood was transferred to a place in front of the home office of Mayor of Makassar, which also still be around Losari. In the afternoon, everyone can enjoy the process or the moments of sunset sunset.id.wikipedia

Saman Dance

   Saman dance is a tribal dance Gayo commonly displayed to celebrate important events in custom. Saman dance uses poetry in Arabic and Gayo. In addition, this dance is usually also displayed to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad. In some literature mentions Saman dance of Aceh was founded and developed by Sheikh Saman, a cleric who comes from the Gayo in Aceh Tenggara.

Meaning and Function:
   Saman dance is one of the media to achieve a message (preaching). This dance reflects the educational, religious, good manners, heroism, solidarity and togetherness. Before the beginning of the Preamble saman or opening, performed a clever or cunning old traditional leaders to represent the local community (keketar) or useful advice to the players and spectators. Songs and poems together and continuous disclosure, the players consist of men who are still young by wearing traditional clothes. Presentation of the dance can also be staged, contested between group living with sepangkalan group (two groups). Assessment ditititk emphasis on the ability of each group in following the movement, dance and song (poem), which is presented by the opponent.

   Tari Saman usually displayed not use the accompaniment of musical instruments, but using the voice of the dancers and their applause is usually combined with hitting the chest and groin as synchronization and flung their bodies into various directions. This dance is guided by a leader who is typically called Syech. Because of the uniformity of formation and punctuality is a must in these dances, the dancers are required to have a high concentration and a serious exercise in order to appear perfectly. This dance is danced by men in particular. In ancient times, this dance performances in the event of certain customs, such as in a ceremony commemorating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. In addition, particularly in the context of today, this dance is also performed on special occasions that are formal, such as visiting guests Inter-County and State, or the opening of a festival and other events.

   Song of the dancers add to the dynamics of saman dance. How to sing songs in saman dance is divided into 5 types:

1. Rengum, the roar that begins by lifting.
2. Tones, namely Regnum which was quickly followed by all dancers.
3. Redet, which is a short song with a short sound sung by a dancer in the middle of the dance.
4. Syek, the song sung by a dancer with a long high-pitched voice, usually as a sign of change in motion
5. Saur, that is the song that is repeated by all the dancers after sung by a solo dancer.

Movement :
   Saman dance using two elements of the motion which became the basic element in the dance saman: Applause and pat dada.Diduga, when spreading the religion of Islam, sheikhs saman studying ancient Malay dance, and then bring back through the motion, accompanied by poems by memudakan preaching Islamic da'wah . In the present context, dances are religious rituals that are still used as a medium to convey the messages of propaganda through performances. Saman dance one dance that is quite unique, because they show only the applause of motion movements, such as shaking motion, kirep, lingang, surang-filter (all motion is the Gayo language)

   In general, saman dance played by a dozen or dozens of men, but the numbers must ganjil.Pendapat Others say This dance is danced more or less than 10 people, with details of 8 dancers and 2 as cue givers while bernyanyi.Namun, in the development of in the modern era, which requires that a dance would be more lively when danced by a dancer with higher numbers. To adjust the various movements instituted a leader who called sheikh. In addition to regulate the movement of the dancers, Sheikh is also tasked to sing hymns saman song. namely ganit.id.wikipedia


   Gamelan is a musical instrument usually highlight metallophone, xylophone, drums, and gongs. The term gamelan refers to the instrument / tool, which constitute an integral whole which is realized and sounded together. Gamelan word itself comes from the Javanese gamel which means hitting / beating, followed by a suffix that makes the noun. Gamelan orchestra mostly found in Java, Madura, Bali, and Lombok in Indonesia in various sizes and shapes ensemble. In Bali and Lombok today, and in Java through the 18th century, the term gong is considered synonymous with gamelan. Occurrences gamelan preceded by Hindu-Buddhist culture that dominated Indonesia in the early days of recording history, which also represents the original art of Indonesia. Instrument developed to shape up like this in the days of the Majapahit Kingdom. In contrast with Indian music, the only impact of the India-an in gamelan music is how menyanikannya. In Javanese mythology, the gamelan dicipatakan by Sang Hyang Guru in Saka Era, the god who controls all the land of Java, with palaces on the mountain Mahendra in Medangkamulan (now Mount Lawu). Sang Hyang Guru first created gong to summon the gods. For a more specific message and then create two gongs, and eventually formed set of gamelan.

   The history of the first ensemble of musical instruments discovered at the Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java, which has stood since the 8th century. Musical instruments such as bamboo flutes, bells, kendhang in various sizes, harp, stringed musical instrument that swiped and learned, is found in the relief. However, little is found elements of metal musical instruments. However, relief of the instrument is said to be the origin of the gamelan. Gamelan orchestra tuning and making is a complex process. Gamelan tuning using four ways, namely slendro, pelog, "Degung" (special area of Sunda, or West Java), and "madenda" (also known as the diatonic, the same as the original minor scale that is widely used in Europe. Gamelan music is a combination of foreign artistic influence that diverse. Linkages to note the tone of the Chinese, the musical instruments of Southeast Asia, drum band and move to music from India, bowed strings from the Middle East region, Europe and even the military style that we hear the traditional music of Java and Bali today. The interaction component is loaded with melody, rhythm and sound color to maintain the glory of the Balinese gamelan orchestra music. The pillars of this music brings together a variety of Balinese rural community character that became the order of the typical music that is an inseparable part of daily life.

Lemang _ Sumatera Utara

  Lemang is the food of glutinous rice cooked in bamboo seruas, after previously rolled up with a piece of banana leaf. Bamboo leaf rolls containing rice flour mixed with coconut milk is then put into bamboo seruas then baked until cooked. Lemang more delicious eaten warm. How to eat lemang differ from region to region. There are people who like to enjoy it in a way sweet (jam, syrup of palm sugar, serikaya) or by salt (rendang, egg, and other side dishes), or some that eat them with fruits like durian.
   Lemang celebration of food made by the Dayak tribes who served in their traditional feasts. For Malays, lemang usually served during Idul Fitri or Eid al-Adha. Minangkabau people also like lemang, even cities like High Cliff is known by the nickname "City Lemang".

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